7 Best Disney Movies for Kids

Best Disney Movies for Kids

Mickey Mouse, Snow White, Cinderella, Peter Pan, Winnie the Pooh, and the list goes on. Disney movies have always excelled at making childhood special for both kids and adults. We’re sure that even as an adult, you clearly remember the costumes and voices of each character we just mentioned. This is how big of an impact Disney has made on people’s lives globally.

When we used to come back from school, all we wanted was to be with our Disney friends. Movies like Fantasia, the Lion King, and 101 Dalmatians take us down memory lane. And all we can think about is how kids today love Disney movies as much as we once did. We won’t acknowledge it out loud, but we all secretly still do! So, we’ve compiled a list of 7 Disney movies kids will love watching. Take a look!

1) Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)

This movie holds a special rank in this list as it was Disney’s first-ever full-length animated film. From the storyline and characters to the music, everything about the movie is special. You will love how the kids get gripped by how Snow White finds herself in the traps set by her mother. Kids can learn many things from Snow White’s journey and everyone included in it.

The huntsman sent to kill Snow White shows how you can always choose to do the right thing. The Seven Dwarfs display how love and affection can help you face the biggest challenges in life. Overall, it’s a splendid combination of a fairytale land where goodness always wins.

2) Pinocchio (1940)

Disney’s Pinocchio was released in 1940 and remains a timeless classic. The movie is filled with priceless life lessons that kids could use all their lives. Its story features a puppet named ‘Pinocchio,’ who steps out into a world that’s full of evil setups. A fairy promises him that if he follows the path of honesty, bravery, and truthfulness, she’ll transform him into a real boy. Despite his attempts, he often finds himself in wrongful circumstances that he’s supposed to break out of.

Every time he lies, his nose becomes longer. But he has a supporting friend named ‘Jiminy Cricket’ who helps him find the right path. There are many things kids can learn from the movie, including listening to their conscience and always being truthful.

3) 101 Dalmatians (1961)

It’s believed that any kid in the world would want a dog after watching this film. After all, it’s a ‘Disney movie’ about ‘dogs,’ and that too ‘Dalmatians’ (a lot of them). It’s a movie about a human couple and a dog couple living together.

When the dogs have pups, a lady called ‘Cruella de Vil’ starts doing all that she can to kidnap them. She has a knack for animal fur clothing and has developed a liking for Dalmatians. Kids will love how Cruella keeps chasing the dogs but is always defeated. There is much to learn from the movie, and I love dogs more than anything else, to be fair.

4) Dumbo (1941)

Released in 1941, Dumbo is considered to be one of the best films by Disney for kids. It’s the story of a baby elephant called ‘Dumbo’ who works at a circus with his mother ‘Mrs. Jumbo’. All of the members of the circus constantly make fun of him because of his abnormally big ears.

His mom tries to protect him but gets taken off the acts by the staff. Dumbo starts falling prey to the evil acts of the other circus artists. But Timothy, the mouse, is his friend and stays by his side throughout. Kids will love how Dumbo discovers that he can do much more with his ears. The movie is all about how one can defy all odds and become great by believing in oneself.

5) Bambi (1942)

Bambi is still a tear-jerker for many adults to date, let alone kids. This Disney movie is about a deer called ‘Bambi’ and his journey into adulthood. This movie covers so many aspects of life that we’ll always fall short of words to describe. From parent-child relationships and friendships to love at first sight, the movie covers it all. Needless to say, there are a hundred things that kids could learn from the film.

It teaches how to face difficulties and protect your loved ones. If you’re wondering why we didn’t describe the plot, it’s because we don’t want to ruin the plot details for you.

6) Cinderella (1950)

Now, who doesn’t know about Cinderella? Well, it’s difficult to admit, but there are still many kids who don’t. So, let’s do the honors and introduce them to the default queen of fantasy land, Cinderella. It remains one of the best-animated love stories of all time. The story is about a beautiful girl who lives with her stepmother and stepsisters. She is envied by her family for the way that she looks.

But there comes a point when a Prince falls in love with her, and her life changes forever. Kids can watch and learn how Cinderella, despite being hated, always tries to help everyone in need. They can also learn about true friendship through the mice, which are her best friends.

7) Alice in Wonderland (1951)

It came out in 1951 and amazed the world with its abstract storyline. There are so many adults who still can’t get enough of the film (pun intended). Alice in Wonderland is a Disney movie about a little girl named ‘Alice,’ who gets lost in a fantasy land. Everything about this land is strange, from the way creatures look to the way they behave. Regardless, she tries to navigate her way back home and is stopped by many characters. The movie is meant to inspire kids to always get motivated by their imagination. If they can imagine it, they can very well achieve it.

Let’s be honest: Disney makes movies that can’t be simply called movies. They go way beyond entertainment and form a large chunk of sweet childhood memories. Disney movies are the perfect way to entertain kids as they learn about life.

Cinderella lets them know about believing in themselves, and the Lion King tells them that family always comes first. Alice tells them that they’re perfect, just the way they are, and Pinocchio teaches them the value of honesty. Every Disney character brings to the table a unique learning for kids. So, what are you waiting for? Grab some snacks, watch a Disney movie with your kids or your younger siblings, and relive your childhood.


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